Open Visiting Policy

Parent/Agency website for complete transparency in education and treatment Parents can follow the educational and treatment progress of their child on a daily basis by accessing JRC’s private, secure, Parent/Agency website, where the charts for the students’ behaviors are posted and updated daily, and where other treatment and education documents for their child can be […]

Wellness Program

Wellness program includes highly nutritious menus, nutrition education, and daily exercise. The menu has been designed with nationally-known nutritionists and physicians. It emphasizes fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains, and tends to lower cholesterol levels and help prevent cancer. The menu also helps those students who are overweight to lose weight and helps improve those who […]

24/7 Digital Recording/Monitoring System

Qualified and skilled staff. JRC’s well qualified staff and consultants include doctoral and masters-level clinicians, licensed special education teachers, speech therapists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, physical education teachers, registered nurses, psychiatrists, and physicians. Central digital video recording/monitoring system 24/7, using the internet, adds a further layer of safety, supervision, and parent peace of mind. From a central […]

Powerful and Varied Reward Program

JRC offers a unique and unparalleled reward system for students and clients, including: Rewards Areas Contact Store Internet Cafe Hair Salon Movie Theater and Snack Bar Big Reward Store and Ball Pit Teen Lounge/Arcade Special Activities in School Contact Store Contact Store At the Contract Store, students can buy items with money they’ve earned by working […]

State of the Art Educational Software

JRC’s behavioral education systems feature the following aspects of behavioral educational technology: Programmed self-instruction using computers as teaching machines A portion of a student’s learning makes use of self-instructional teaching software. The software enables him or her to progress through the subject matter at their own pace and provides immediate feedback to individual students as […]

Elimination or Minimization of Antipsychotic Medication

JRC Avoids or Minimizes Antipsychotic Medication Whenever Possible Such medications have usually failed to effectively treat the students we serve and largely function to sedate students into a drugged stupor in which education is not very possible. In addition, almost all psychotropic medications have the following problems: they have not been approved by the FDA […]

ABA Based Treatment Plans

Unique, Consistent, and Powerful  Treatment Program Treatment of noncompliance Noncompliance is a specific and major treatment goal for every student. Students are given a variety of demands and tasks to perform throughout the day, are rewarded immediately when they comply, and lose privileges if they refuse. By doing this consistently each student eventually becomes increasingly […]

Near Zero Rejection Policy

JRC does not reject or expel students due to the severity of their behavior problems. Students who have failed or made minimal progress in their previous programs often succeed for the first time at JRC due to JRC’s highly structured behavior modification education and treatment program.